Clinics We Offer

Asthma Management Clinic

This clinic is held by one of our Practice Nurses. Patients both adults and children, are seen at this clinic for appropriate education, advice and supervision of treatment. An appointment for this clinic can be made by contacting reception.

Minor Surgery

Dr Johnston holds these clinics with assistance from the Practice Nurses. Many minor surgical procedures such as removal of cysts and skin lesions and joint injections can be carried out quickly and comfortably under local anaesthesia at this clinic. Appointments are by referral from your Doctor.

Well Woman Clinic

Cervical screening is offered to all female patients (aged 25 – 65 years) at three yearly intervals or earlier if necessary. Should any patient require a cervical smear outside this age group the Practice would be happy to arrange this.  Cervical smears are also carried out every week by our Practice Nurses. An appointment can be made for the same by contacting reception. Patients will be written to, informing them of the result of their smear and advising them when they should make their next appointment.

Hypertension Clinic

A hypertension clinic is held on a weekly basis at the surgery and is conducted by one of our Practice Nurses.  The aim of this clinic is to review all patients who suffer from the condition of high blood pressure and are on continuous treatment.

Coronary Heart Disease Clinic

This clinic is held on a weekly basis at the surgery and is conducted by one of our Practice Nurses.The aim of this clinic is to review all patients who suffer from coronary heart disease. An appointment for the same can be made by contacting reception.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

A COPD clinic is held weekly in the surgery one of our Practice Nurses. The aim of this clinic is to assess the respiratory function of patients with chronic airways disease in order to maximise their treatment and improve their quality of life.

Diabetic Clinic

A diabetic clinic is held every month in the surgery by one of our Practice Nurses. This clinic is aimed at reviewing patients with type two diabetes who do not attend the hospital for review. Patients are referred to this clinic to obtain appropriate education and advice, to help maximise their effective control and reduce the risks of any complication with diabetes.  Annual retinopathy screening is also offered to all diabetic patients.

Near-Patient Testing

The treatment of several diseases, particularly in the field of rheumatology, is increasingly reliant on drugs that, while clinically effective, need regular blood monitoring. These blood tests will be carried out by our Phlebotomist upon referral from your Doctor.

Anti-Coagulation Monitoring 

For the care of patients taking Warfarin, our Phlebotomist will carry out the relevant blood tests at the instruction of the Doctor. 


Family Planning

We offer a complete range of family planning services including oral contraceptives, nexplanon/implant insertion and coil fitting.  For free confidential online Sexual Health and Advice 24 hours a day please click on link :  SH24 provide oral contraception, the morning after pill, STI testing, diagnosis and treatment and specialist remote clinical support.