Repeat prescriptions can be ordered through the following options:
- Online - via the "Order Your Repeat Prescription Online" link above
- Telephone 02837 566 500 - this line is open Monday to Friday 9am to 11am and 2pm to 4pm (Thursday 9am - 11am ONLY)
- Repeat Prescription Box- fill out an order form and drop it into the box near reception
- In person - at the reception desk
The Practice requires 48 hours notice to process your request for repeat medication whether ordered by telephone, online or in person. Please ensure you order your repeat prescription at least 2-3 working days before running out of your medication to ensure treatment is continuous.
It is important to use the repeat prescription telephone number for repeat prescriptions only.
Requests for non repeat prescriptions for acute issues/minor ailments, appointments or results etc. Must be made by telephoning the main practice number on 02837 565600.