Useful Contacts


Antrim Area Hospital

(028) 94 424000

Belfast City Hospital

(028) 90 329241

Belvoir Park Hospital

(028) 90 902000

Craigavon Hospital

(028) 38 334444

Mid-Ulster Hospital

(028) 79 631031

Musgrave Park Hospital

(028) 90 902000

Royal Victoria Hospital

(028) 90 240503

South Tyrone Hospital

(028) 87 722821

St Lukes Hospital

(028) 37 522381

Tyrone & Fermanagh Hospital

(028) 82 833100

Ulster Hospital

(028) 90 484511

Ulster Independent Clinic

(028) 90 661212


Gordons Chemist, Moy

(028) 87 784248

Allens Chemist, Cookstown

(028) 86 763628

Gordons Gortmerron

(028) 87 727778

Boots the Square, Dungannon

(028) 87 723193

Boots the Oaks, Dungannon

(028) 87 726626

Boots, Cookstown

(028) 86 766548

Dolans, Dungannon

(028) 87 722079

Medicare Newell Road

(028) 87 722768

Dormans, Coalisland

(028) 87 747180

Gordons, Dungannon

(028) 87 722430

Gordons, Cookstown

(028 )86 762223

Paul Donaghys

(028) 87 722258

Medicare, Thomas Street

(028) 87 724722

O'Neills, Coalisland

(028) 87 740332

O'Neills, Ballygawley

(028) 85 568217

McKeevers, Moy

(028) 87 784278

Other Useful Numbers

Accord (Marriage Counselling)

(028) 38 334781

Action Cancer

(028) 90 803344

Age Concern, Dungannon

(028) 87 752383

Alcoholics Anonymous

(028) 90 434848

Breakthru (Drugs Awareness)

(028) 87 753228

Care in Crisis

(028) 38 329900

Central Services Agency (CSA)

(028) 90 324431


0800 11 11

Cruse, Belfast

(028) 90 792419

Cruse, Moy

(028) 87 784004

Disability Action

(028) 87 752372

Family Planning Clinic

(028) 87 723101

Housing Executive, Dungannon

0844 8920900

PSNI, Dungannon

(028) 87 752525

Registrar of Deaths & Births

(028) 87 720329

Relate, Belfast

(028) 90 323454


0845 7909090

Social Service Offices, Dungannon

(028) 87 754754

Southern Area Hospice, St John of Gods, Newry

(028) 30 267711

Southern Health & Social Services Council

(028) 38 349900

Access and Information Service

(028) 37564300